Sabtu, 08 Januari 2011

soal latihan bhs.lnggris

Wacana 1 untuk soal nomor 1 sampai dengan nomor  UNAS-SMA-00-03
Borobudur, a gigantic Buddhist shine is situate 42
Lake Toba, which is situated in the center of the  kilometers northwest of Yogyakarta.
Bukit Barisan mountain range, is an interesting  The underlined word means ...
mountain resort with Samosir Island in the center of  A.  nice
the lake. It boats many modern hotels and facilities for  B.  huge
water sport such as boating, water skiing and  C.  tall
swimming.  D.  large
In West Sumatra, the center of culture and  E.  wonderful
tourism is Bukit tinggi, situated in the highlands north 
of the provincial capital of Padang. West Sumatra is a
land of scenic beauty with green lakes, and blue  How many tourist resorts are mentioned in the third
mountains.  paragraph?
Java has a great number of attractions, including  A.  three
the world renowned Botanic Garden in Bogor, the  B.  four
wildlife reserve of Ujung Kulon on the south west part  C.  fie
of the island. Borobudur, a gigantic Buddhist shrine is  D.  six
situated 42 kilometers northwest of Yogyakarta and the  E.  seven
Ijen crater lies in East Java and displays hot springs, 
waterfalls and free roaming deer as well as a sulphur
crater. A three-hour drive from Surabaya, and the a  Pinta's mother is a … She teaches students at the Gajah
pony ride from the village of Ngadisari over the sea  Mada University.
will take you to mount Bromo which is an active  A.  teacher
volcano with sulphur fumes and smoke still emitting  B.  director
from its depths. The inhabitants of the surrounding  C.  lecturer
areas believe in the God of Bromo and bring offerings  D.  registrar
to his deity.  E.  headmistress
Bali is different from the rest of Indonesia 
because of its unique form of Hinduism called "Hindu
Dharma." Religion is at the main source of traditional  You'd better put on your ... when you go out, it's very
custom in family and community life. The soul of a  cold outside.
Balinese if religion and it finds its expression in art.  A.  vest
Many articles and books have been written on Bali.  B.  scarf
  C.  tuxedo
D.  sweater
What natural beauty does West Sumatra have?   E.  raincoat
A.  Active volcanoes  
B.  Water sport
C.  Modern hotels   Newspapers have on basic purpose, that is to get ... as
D.  Mountains resort   quickly as possible from reliable sources to readers.
E.  Green lakes and blue mountains  A.  news
  B.  report
C.  statement
Which of the following attractions is not found in at the  D.  advertisement
surroundings of the Ijen crater?  E.  announcement
A.  Hot springs 
B.  Waterfalls
C.  A sea of sand ,  Marlin :  Christ, where are you staying?
D.  A sulphur crater  Christ  :  At Sahid Hotel
E.  Free-roaming deer  Marlin asked Christ ...
  A.  where he stays
  B.  where he was staying
  C.  where did he stay
  D.  where does he stay
  E.  where had he stayed

UNAS-SMA-00-09  UNAS-SMA-00-12
It's 9 p.m. Nancy is going to bed, so she says to the …  When is flood more likely to happen?
A.  Bye-bye   A.  regret
B.  Good-bye   B.  caution
C.  Good night   C.  admiration
D.  See you soon   D.  permission
E.  Good evening  E.  prohibition
UNAS-SMA-00-10  UNAS-SMA-00-13
Yunus :  Dedi, let's spend this week-end for fishing. I  A.  rain
have found a good spot.   B.  storm
Dedi :  I am sorry, I hate fishing.   C.  hurricane
From the above sentence, Dedi shows his ... for fishing  D.  flood
A.  disagreement   E.  earthquake
B.  dislike  
C.  disappointment
D.  dissatisfaction   Why do hurricanes of typhoons usually cause great
E.  discontentment  destruction? Because they ...
  A.  bring destructive winds and torrential rains
B.  are heave enough to cause flood
Student :  I've finished the test. Here you are, sir!  C.  are heave storms
Teacher :  Good. You ...  D.  are hard winds
A.  can't stay here  E.  are tropical storms
B.  will leave the room 
C.  can't tell anything
D.  may leave the classroom  Modern fire brigades use ... to fight fire.
E.  must say thank you  A.  buckets of water
  B.  spraying sand
C.  human chain
Wacana 2 untuk soal nomor 12 sampai nomor 15.
A natural disaster is a  terrible accident, e.g. a  D.  fire pump
great flood, a big fire or an earthquake. It usually  E.  fire arm
causes great suffering and  loss of a large sum of 
money. The causalities are injured or died. Some
people are homeless and need medical care.  This proposal was turned down by the Personnel
Floods occur when the water of rivers, lakes, or  Manager.
streams overflow their banks and pour out into the  The synonym of turned down is ...
surrounding land. Floods are caused by many different  A.  received
thins. Often heave rainstorms that last for a brief time  B.  rejected
can cause a flood. But not all heave storms are  C.  returned
followed by flooding. If the surrounding lands is flat  D.  agreed
and can absorb the water, no flooding will occur. If.  E.  taken
however, the lands is hard and rocky heavy rain cannot 
be absorbed. Where the banks are low, a river may
overflow and flood adjacent lowland.  An officer in a diplomatic mission whose duty is to
in many parts of the world floods are caused by  care for the commercial interests of his country is
tropical storms called hurricanes of typhoons. The  called an/a ...
bring destructive winds of high speed torrents of rain,  A.  envoy
and flooding. When a flood occurs, the destruction to  B.  consul
the surrounding land can be severe. Whole villages and  C.  attach
towns are sometimes-swept away bay water pouring  D.  diplomat
swiftly over the land. Railroad tracks buckles and are  E.  ambassador
uprooted from their beds. Highways are washed away. 
When a building caught fire, the firemen pitched
in to help battle the blaze. Before the pumps were  If you want to have your hair cut, why don't you go to
invented, people formed bucket brigades to fight fires.  him?
Standing side by side, they formed a human chain from  He is a famous ... in the city.
the fire to nearby well or river. They passed buckets of  A.  therapist
water from hand to hand to be poured on the flames.  B.  beautician
The damage of fire did depend a great deal on  C.  manicurist
were it happened. In at the country or a small village,  D.  barber
only a single house might burn down. But in crowded  E.  tailor
cities, fire often destroyed whole blocks and 
neighbourhoods before being controlled.

UNAS-SMA-00-19  Wacana 3 untuk-soal nomor 25 sampai dengan
Affandi is one of the famous ... in Indonesia,
nomor 28.
We really admire his works.  Nobody likes paying taxes. Even those who know
A.  poets  that taxation is necessary and just are reluctant to pay
B.  actors  taxes. It is not pleasant to see part of your monthly
C.  artists  income taken away from you in income tax. Ignorant
D.  players  people think this is an injustice and make a grievance
E.  painters  of it; so it is just as well that we should know why we
  are taxed, so that we can see the fairness of the system.
Every country must have a government of some
Lita  :  Fit, which do you like better, singing or  sot. or life would be impossible. The primary duties of
dancing?  a government are to ‘protect the life an property of the
Fitria  :  Well, I'd ... than dance.  citizens, to maintain law and order and settle dispute
A.  better sing  between citizens in a just and orderly way through the
B.  gave sung  law-courts, to defend the country from foreign foes,
C.  prefer singing  and to maintain the roads and highways. Besides, may
D.  rather singing  governments maintain and direct public duties need
E.  rather sing  money: an army and navy have to. be kept up, the
  police force and the judges have to be paid, schools
have to be provided and teachers supported, expert
Ruri :  Do you know my cousin Bob?  health-officers and sanitary engineers have to be
Ari :  Sure, I haven't heard about him for a long time.  employed. Now where is all the money needed for the
Ruri  :  He will get married next Sunday ...   public service to come from? The question in answered
Ari  :  No, I'm not.   by another. For whose benefit are all these service
A.  Can I see you at the wedding part?   maintained? The answer is,  for the benefits of the
B.  Will you be attending his party?   public. It is the people as a whole, rich and poor, that
C.  Do you feel like, going to his party?   benefit by security of live and property, by the sound
D.  Are you also invited?   administration of justice, by the maintenance of roads,
E.  Do you mind going to the wedding with me?  by the public hospital, public schools, and good
  sanitation. Therefore it is only right that the public, the
individual citizens of the country should contribute the
Passenger :  Is it allowed to bring a bird on the  money needed; for the money the give comes back to
plane?  them in the shape of these public benefits which all
Custom officer : I am sorry, that's not allowed  enjoy.
The underlined utterance expresses ...  So long, therefore, as we have a good and
A.  regret  efficient government, so long as our money, is being
B.  caution
used in the right way, and so long as the burden of
C.  admiration
taxation is distributed fairly, as different classes can
D.  permission
bear it, we have no right to grumble at having to pay
E.  prohobition
our share of the taxes. ?
UNAS-SMA-00-23  UNAS-SMA-00-25
Bill  : Have you considered my offer to work for  Which one of these titles is the most suitable for the
our company?  text above?
George : Yes, 1 have, but I'd take the hob if the salary  A.  Objections to Taxes
suited me.  B.  Why citizens are Taxed
From the dialogue we may conclude that George ...   C.  The Burden of Taxation
A.  has accepted the job   D.  Taxation is a Necessity
B.  has worked for the company   E.  Income Taxes
C.  has not yet considered taking a job  
D.  has refused to take the job
E.  has not heard about the job  The topic of paragraph 2 is ...
  A.  the reasons of taxation
B.  the right of citizens
Mr. Bronto leaves Surabaya for Medan by G1A 707 at  C.  the expenses of public duties
9 a.m.  D.  the duties of a government
By 11 a.m the ... there.  E.  the types of public services
A.  arrive 
B.  arrived
C.  was arriving
D.  will arrive
E.  will have arrived

When announcing the liquidations last Saturday,
Why do the people have to pay incomes tax?   Bank Indonesia assured depositors they would get their
Because ...  money back. Those who had less than Rp 20 million
A.  they have to pay tax for the things they need   would  get all their money on November 13, while
B.  they have to pay tax whether they are rich of poor   those who had over Rp 20 million would get up to Rp
C.  the tax is heeded to carry out the government's  20 million in the first stage with the remainder being
public duties  paid later.
D.  they have to pay tax or the things they but or sell   The President Director of Bank IFI Harry
E.  they have to pay tax for the government benefit  Rachmadi said yesterday that the liquidation of sixteen
  banks would certainly have an impact in the
community, as some people may lose their jobs; To
According to the text the following statements are true,  minimize the impact of the liquidations, it is important
except ...  to accelerate the process.  Rachmadi said that the
A.  Everyone knows that taxation is necessary.  decision could also be a 'sock therapy for Indonesian
B.  The public must bear their shares of public  banks. "Bank owners can no longer, do as they want
expense.  when operating their own banks," he said. He also said
C.  It is the government's duty to provide hospitals for  that some members of the public should have
the sick.  anticipated this, as the press had earlier reported the
D.  The same amount of income tax is imposed on the  likely liquidation of some ailing banks following the
rich and the poor.  currency turmoil that hit the country in July this year.
E.  The taxpayers enjoy public services provided by. 
the government.
  The article is about ...
A.  liquidation of 16 banks .
Journalist : some of our forests in Kalimantan and  B.  a shock therapy for banks
Sumatra were destroyed in the forest . fire.  C.  people's reaction about liquidated banks
Official : It's a pity. The destruction of the rainforest  D.  the loss of money deposited in the liquidated banks
could also bring about the extinction of  E.  the impact of liquidated bank on the employees
orang utan! 
The underlined word means ...
A.  act of putting out  The main idea of paragraph 4 is ...
B.  act of preserving  A.  some banks are assigned to handle the pay outs
C.  no longer in existence  B.  the governments has anticipated the people's
D.  prevention of loss  reaction
E.  keep something for special purpose  C.  the government guarantees to pay depositors by
  certain banks
D.  Bank Summa was liquidated in 1992
Wacana 4 untuk soal nomor 30 sampai nomor 34
JAKARTA - When the government announced  E.  I Nyoman Moena is a noted banking analyst
the liquidation of 16 banks last Saturday, many people 
are surprised as they did not expect their bank to be on
the list. Others were still trying to come to terms with  Which of the following statements is TRUE, according
the fact that they had lost their jobs.  to the text?
"I heard .on the radio that 16 banks were  A.  The headquarters of the liquidated banks were
liquidated, that's why I came there, to check whether I  crowded with people.
could still withdraw may money," said Prapto, who  B.  Bank summa was one of the banks liquidated last
claimed to have a deposit hi one of the liquidated banks  Saturday.
on Jl, Thamrin. But he said he couldn't get it as it was  C.  The liquidated could he a shock therapy for
Saturday and most banks do not open then.  Indonesian banks.
The headquarters of some of the liquidated banks,  D.  Harry Rachmadi said that there will be no impact
such as Bank Pacific and Bank Industry look calm,  of liquidation in the community.
with only  a  few people coming and going Several  E.  The liquidated said that do not guarantee that the
people called the 'Observer' last Saturday afternoon to  depositors can get back their deposits.
find out which banks had been liquidated. 
I Nyoman Moena, a noted banking analyst told
the 'Observer' it is a normal reaction for people to panic
when hearing such things, but, he said, the government
must certainly have anticipated the situation. "I think
the monetary authority must have been prepared this
time, after the announcement of the liquidation of Bank
Summa in 1992," Moena said referring to the guarantee
by the government to pas depositors in two weeks on
November, 13, 1977 and the naming of-the will handle
the pay outs.

UNAS-SMA-00-33  UNAS-SMA-00-37
The pay out will be given to depositors in stages.  Endangered species are ...
This idea is stated in paragraph ...  A.  the forty percent of bird species in the world
A.  1  B.  all wild animals except the Cebu flower-pecker
B.  3  C.  birds which now remains twenty percent
C.  4   D.  the endemic bird species kept in- captivity
D.  5   E.  catch them to be domesticated
E.  6 

"...the threat of extinction was due to ..."(paragraph 5)
"..., that's why I came here to check whether I could  The word 'threat" means ...
still with draw may money, ..." (paragraph 2)  A.  notice
The underlined word means ...  B.  warning
A.  takeout  C.  danger
B.  make known  D.  statement
C.  giveaway  E.  announcement
D.  put back 
E.  make certain
  Rita : The Kasepuhans, a community living in and
around the Gunung Halimun national park still
Wacana 5 untuk soal nomor 35 sampai dengan
practice a traditional way of planting rice.
nomor 38
MANILA (AFP): The Philippines has the most  Kity  : For example?
number of endemic bird species which are in danger of  Rita  : They only grow local rice varieties, only plant
extinction, according to a nation wide wildlife report  once a year, and reject the use of pesticide.
obtained here yesterday.  'reject' means ...
"The Philippine Red Data book', written by the  A.  deny
Wildlife Conservation Society of the Philippines, noted  B.  omit
that the country has 40 endangered bird species more  C.  refuse
than any other country.  D.  prevent
This includes the Cebu flower-pecker of which  E.  ignore
only four are known to still be alive, making it the most 
endangered bird in the world, the 'Red Data Book"
said.  Tourist :  Would you tell us where we can get handi-
An endangered species is defined as one hat has a  craft for souvenirs?
20 percent chance of becoming extinct in 20 years.  Guide  : Well, let's go to Pucang; it is very popular
The 'Data Book' said the threat of extinction was  with its handicraft. Almost all the people
due to the growing destruction of the forests which are  there make their living by ... things from the
the habitats of the birds and other wild animals, many  horns of buffaloes or cows.
of which are similarly endangered.  A.  making
  B.  taking
C.  drawing
The text is about ...  D.  painting
A.  the 'Philippine Red Data Book' on animals  E.  cutting
B.  the Wildlife Conservation Society in the 
C.  the number of endemic bird species still available  Mother : When the price of petrol rises, the price of all
D.  the endangered habitats of birds in the Philippines  basic commodities follows to rise. It always
E.  a report about the extinction of he most  happens like this.
endangered birds.  Father : ... that our income will be sufficient if there
  is no increase in our salary.
A.  1 am sure
According to the 'Red Data Book', some birds and wild  B.  It's certain
animals area in danger of extinction because people ...  C.  1 am pleased
A.  hunt them for sports   D.  It's possible
B.  keep destroying forests   E.  I doubt
C.  more their habitats  
D.  change forests into their habitats
E.  catch them to be domesticated

UNAS-SMA-00-42  UNAS-SMA-00-47
X  : Although this is the best cinema in town, there are  Dika :  Can I borrow you laptop?
not many people visiting it.  Ditya :  Certainly, but what's wrong with yours?
Y : ..., nowadays most people prefer spending their  Dika :  It ... now
time at home watching TV.  A.  is being repaired
A.  A, Oh, no  B.  repaired
B.  I don't think so  C.  is repairing
C.  Really?  D.  has repaired
D.  That's right  E.  is going to repair
E.  It's not true 

Mrs. Hilman :  I like your garden. It is well maintained
X : Has she already got some medicine?  Do you still have time to tidy it?
Y : If she had visited the doctor, she would have .  Mrs. Anton :  of course not ... twice a-week
been given medicine.  A.  I always tidy it myself
From the dialogue above we know that ...  B.  I have tidied it
A.  the doctor visited her and gave her medicine  C.  I have to tidy it
B.  she visited the doctor, so she was given medicine  D.  I have it tidied
C.  she didn't visit the doctor, so she wasn't given  E.  I ask somebody to tidy it
D.  although she didn't visit the doctor, she was give
medicine  A :  More and more people have died as the victims of
E.  she didn't visit the doctor because the doctor had  war.
already given her medicine  B : That's terrible. I wish we were living in a world
  with no war or dispute between countries.
The underlined sentence means ...
Burhan : The river is very dirty. People shouldn't have  A.  we are living in a peaceful world
throw household rubbish into the river.  B.  we were jiving in a peaceful world
Fikri  : That's exactly what I think.  C.  we are not living in a peaceful world
From the dialogue above we know ...  D.  we were not living in a peaceful world
A.  Fikri disagrees wit Burhan's opinion   E.  we will live in a peaceful world
B.  Burhan thinks exactly the same way  
C.  waste material has not been collected
D.  people polluted the river with rubbish   X :  Do you think that the monetary crisis will console
E.  Burhan warned people not to throw rubbish in the  to an end?
river  Y : ..., this condition won't be back to normal within
  more or two years.
A.  1 am fed up with the news
Ricky : You look happy with your new job here  B.  I am sorry to hear that
Nelly : You're right. My family and I are happier here,  C.  It would be agreeable
... my salary is smaller than before.  D.  It's not my business
A.  in spite of  E.  It's very unlikely
B.  although 
C.  because 
D.  since
E.  when

A : Do you know the woman speaking with the
B : Yes, she is our new lecturer ...
A.  which also can speak English well
B.  with whom she will help the professor
C.  whose her daughter is a famous surgeon in this
D.  who is also an assistant of the minister of woman
E.  whom also working as a consultant in a foreign

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