Sabtu, 13 November 2010

job interview

 1). Think back to your last performance review performance. In what areas did you receive the lowest marks?
The way to present your job interview answer: There's no way of dodging this interview question. It is specific and to the point. When answering keep your response short while emphasizing what you are doing (or have done) to correct the problem. Do not focus on the performance review itself.
Sample job interview answer: "My manager pointed out that I needed in improvement in (name the area), and since the performance review I (tell the interviewer what you have done to strengthen your skills)."
The way to present your job interview answer: Or if you ranked high in all areas of your last performance review, let the interviewer know without sounding too cocky.
Sample job interview answer: "My last performance review went really well. I received the highest score possible in every category. That said, I always look for ways to improve my skills, and although I scored 'excellent' on 'peer communication, I enrolled in a course to learn additional ways I can positively interact
2). You lack the experience for this position. Why should I extend you an offer over a candidate that has five years of experience?
The way to present your job interview answer: Don't get defensive by brushing off an interviewer’s tough question with an eye roll. Meet the challenge head on when responding to this job interview question. This approach will give the impression that you welcome tough questions and have nothing to hide.
Sample job interview answer: “I’m glad you asked that question (and then include the reasons you are qualified for the position).”with my team."
3). What salary are you looking to make?
The way to present your job interview answer: Do the best you can to not answer the question directly. Especially if the salary question is asked before you've had the opportunity to sell yourself. But if you feel uncomfortable sidestepping the question, then provide a range. Below is an example of both methods.
Sample job interview answer: "I'd like to discuss salary once we've had the opportunity to discuss the position and my qualifications for the position. I'd like to start off by telling you about (and then wow the interviewer your greatest accomplishments)."
Sample job interview answer: "Based on the information I know so far, I'm seeking a salary range of forty to fifty thousand."

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